Friday, February 13, 2009

I (heart) New York

Pictures from New York
Nygård is pronounced like "new-gord" in Swedish. It literally means "new farm", and is the surname of this company's founder.  The "å" is a particularly Swedish letter, that is pronounced like an "o" rather than like an "a", because it has a little "o" above the "a"..........  Get it?  I suppose you ask why do they do this, rather than just write an "o"? Well, because the "o" in Swedish is pronounced like "oo" as in food.  The Swedish "y" is pronounced like a German "ü" or as close as I can approximate it in English, sounding like "new" with your lips rounded.
This is a women's clothing store, which is located near Times Square/Herald Square in New York City.

Other pictures of New York City:

click on image for bigger picture

About Me

Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Jag förstår någon svenska, men mitt modersmål är engelska.